Saturday, June 10, 2017

God Shuts the Door

Genesis 7:16  
The story of Noah is one of those Bible stories I have heard many times as a child and thought I knew all about it. Funny how I can read the Bible over many times and almost always find something I did not notice before that gives the story more deeper meaning and shows even more how awesome God is. I find it interesting to discover that Noah and his family actually entered the boat first and then the animals entered. In children's books there are illustrations showing Noah herding the animals into the ark when actually they went willingly which was God's will. Also an interesting point I missed earlier in my life (probably because I was relying on children's books rather than reading from the Bible) is that God himself shuts the door (Gen 7:16). Awesome!

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Hannah's Answered Prayer

I Samuel
The story of Hannah in I Samuel is very special to me because I can relate so much to the answered prayer. Hannah grieved because she wanted a child and could not conceive. Her husband Elkanah tried to console her. She prayed for a child and made a promise to God. If He would give her a child, she would give that child back to God to serve in the temple. In time, God answered her prayer. Hannah and her husband Elkanah were blessed with a baby boy they named Samuel.

Hannah kept her promise. While Samuel was still very young, she took him to the temple to serve the Lord at Shiloh where he lived with Eli the priest. Every year, Hannah came to the temple with her husband to offer the yearly sacrifice and every year brought Samuel a new robe. The Lord further blessed Hannah with three more sons and two daughters. What a wonderful example of answered prayer!

When my husband and I were ready to start a family, I was very impatient. It was eighteen long months before I was pregnant. During that waiting time, which seemed like forever to me, I became worried that there was something wrong and that I would not be able to have children. I remembered the story of Hannah, and it was a an inspiration to me. Like Hannah I prayed for a baby. I promised God that if he would give us children, I would do my very best to have those children in Sunday School every Sunday that was humanly possible.

In God's own time, not mine, He blessed us with five beautiful children. I kept my promise and took them to Sunday School. Our prayers are always answered, but I realize they are not always as we want them to be. However, this answered prayer was an awesome blessing to me. God is good all the time!

Friday, June 2, 2017

Don't Break a Bone

Exodus 12:46

Exodus 12 tells about God commanding the Israelites to put the blood of an unblemished lamb over the door posts of their homes so that the first born in each home will be spared and will not die if the blood of the lamb is over the door. This obviously is a parallel to being saved by the blood of Jesus. What I had not noticed before is what Exodus 12:46 further says about this lamb. God instructs the Israelites not to break the bones of the lamb. This is also like Jesus when he died on the cross; no bones were broken as told in John 20:32. So very awesome the way everything in God's Word fits together!

The Eclipse on August 21, 2017

My Bible reading schedule is to read at least one chapter a day going straight through from Genesis through Revelation and then starting ove...